Sunday, September 12, 2010

R1P2 Day 12 = 149.8 (-0.8)

Weight: 149.8
just a few ounces's something....I'm worried about my system getting backed up. Drank some tea last night which cleared my system but that's not something I want to have to deal with constantly. So tonight's tea was only mildly seeped in hopes of just softening things.

Breakfast: half an apple
Lunch: 3.5 oz Scallops (pre-cooked weight)
           1.5 cup tomatos
Dinner: 3.5 oz chicken
            2 cups cucumber
Snack: Super delicious organic orange

It's been a VERY productive day. Got a lot of this weeks homework due, gonna use part of tomorrow to catch up on previous missing hw. I didn't even have this much hw in high school!

Too bad there isn't a fat-free calorie-free cupcake....hmm...chocolate sounds so good but I'm standing strong!!

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