Friday, September 17, 2010

R1P2 Day 17 = 147.0 (+1.0)

I don't even understand how I gained a pound...My only guess is bloating from the cabbage or my body just doesn't want to digest the super lean beef I'm getting...

So with that in mind, I'm going to cut out beef for a little while and see if I notice any difference.
Yesterday was a busy day...lots of walking around...the only difference was a late lunch and a late dinner...
My mom also gained a pound and we eat the same meals together.

I still have half a pound of ground beef....I might freeze it or I might test my body next week to see if there is another reaction to it.

Breakfast: None
Lunch: Tilapia 3.5 oz
           2 cups Romaine Lettuce
           1 Grissini Sesame Bread Stick
Dinner: Tilapia 3.5 oz
           2 cups raw spinach
           1 melba toast
Snack: 6 large strawberries
           1 large orange
           2 medium strawberries

Just drank a cup of ballerina tea with hopes of a movement and a loss

It's really devastating when you gain but haven't done anythign wrong. Seriously...If I was going to give into the cravings, I would make it worth it at least. And it would end with more than only a pound gain.

It's especially devastating because my brother ordered 2 large pizzas yesterday so I had to fight against those craving in all of their annoyance.

Calorie count: 459


459                    53        9           47

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